World Travel: Ecuador

lagunaquilotoa.jpg I have a pretty bad head cold, Baby won’t fess up to the fact that he was the one who gave it to me. I’m seriously considering shipping him off to the Galapagos Islands because of it. It’s not like he’d completely hate it though. Doing some surfing around I came up with some pretty interesting travel links. There’s some fairly decent Spanish schools down there, plenty of scenery and the site itself is very well put together. It was a little hard for me to navigate at first, I couldn’t really tell which was a Google ad and which was actual content. Once I figured it out, however, their travel destinations are pretty gorgeous.

One that stood out for me was the Laguna Quilotoa. A quick description of it had me kind of interested in learning more.

Laguna Quilotoa is a beautiful volcanic-crater lake located about 35km west of Latacunga. The Laguna is about one mile in diameter and its amazing green color changes throughout the day as the sunlight hits it from different directions. On clear mornings the Ilinizas can be seen to the north and Cotopaxi to the east.

I’d say it’s a destination worth checking out, for future world travel of course.

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May 17, 2007


Boyfriend, SR



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