Continued Productivity

I didn’t get everything done that I would have hoped today. Unfortunately I wound up sleeping a little later than anticipated. I made it a point to set the alarm before I went to bed but the tricky thing to my iPod alarm clock is that once you set the time, you also have to set the alarm to iPod mode or it won’t go on. I was so tired when I went to sleep last night that I forgot to do it so I didn’t get up until after 3. That’s 4 hours later than I would have hoped for.

I didn’t get around to cleaning out the fridge yet, I’ll work on it later on. I did get started on the counters though. Baby and I were starving so I wound up cooking something quick for lunch and now we’re both in the office getting some work done with the TV on in the background.

I have to get some emails sent out.

One Response to “Continued Productivity”

  1. Angela says:

    Don’t feel bad about not getting around to things. I’m the same way. We’re moving in 23 days and we’ve only packed up like 6 boxes and there is lots more to go. The hubster & I are the worst procrastinators. Have you officially moved in with your love, yet?

    Krissy: Yea, I’ve technically been down here since January. It turned official the day after Easter when all of my things were down here with me.


May 02, 2007


Boyfriend, Daily



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