Is it possible to get cabin fever two nights in a row? Last night I kind of forced baby out of the house so we could go down to the beach. Sure, the waves and everything were great but I just really, really wanted to get out of the house. Now it’s a little after 11PM and although he’s busy working in the office, I kind of want to go bother him to see if he’d be interested in going back to the beach for a little while. Both of us seem to work better when we’ve spent some time on the beach. Based on the weather report, it’s still a bit cloudy outside but there also isn’t really any rain in the forecast for the next few hours so maybe I can use that as a selling point.
I just finished watching The Riches, god I love this show. OH! I almost forgot to mention – I was approved to run it’s fanlisting. So I need to get my butt in gear and get that setup. I don’t want to do the basic “About – Rules – Codes – Join – Members” crap, I think I’m going to go further with it and do like cast bios, photos, quizzes and other shit…just to keep it interesting. It’s going to take quite a bit of work but I can setup the basic site for now and then expand with it over time. I’ll be registering a domain for it in the future, I need to get $60 together to register because it expires in a few weeks. I guess I need to get my ass in gear on more work – eh? LOL
I wish I coulda renew’d my site. Hope you can renew yours.
I haven’t seen THE RICHES yet. But I have been watching Reines (sp?). THAT is a good show.
Oh, now I really want to go to the beach!!