Prescriptions that kill?

Ortho Evra - Personal Injury LawyerAnyone who is sexually active should really consider proper forms of protection against STD’s, Pregnancy and other potentially life threatening issues associated with having sex. The problem with a lot of the prescriptions out there are the life threatening side effects to products that aren’t tested properly before they are openly available to the public. One product that comes to mind is the birth control patch Ortho Evra.

Millions of women have embraced the Ortho Evra birth control patch with great enthusiasm because it fits into their active lifestyles. In fact, 95% of women are satisfied with ORTHO EVRA as a discreet form of birth control. Women find Ortho Evra convenient and easy to use. In a clinical study, women who used the Patch were more likely to use it consistently and properly than women who took birth control pills.

Unfortunately with every great product, there is always a downside. There are quite a few life threatening side effects to using Ortho Evra. A few law firms have noticed the rise in cases based on these side effects, adding entire sections to their practice just for medicinal law. One that comes to mind is a Seattle Personal Injury Lawfirm. Based on their weblog, you can read through the three entries related to this product.

A direct quote from their website:

Lawsuits have been filed and settled alleging the manufacturer of Ortho Evra Birth Control Patch knowingly concealed risks of serious injuries and death while aggressively marketing the patch to young women. The Ortho Evra birth control patch has been shown to cause up to 11 times the serious injuries as the pill. The patch is linked to blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, death, and other serious injuries.

If this doesn’t make you think twice about taking a new product, I don’t know what will. Unless you have an allergy to latex, there is no real side effect to using condoms (other than some minor chaffing) the upside is you can’t possibly get the same side effects as you can by using this patch. I’ve never heard of a women forming a blood clot or having a stroke from using Trojans…something to think about the next time you go to stick the patch on your body.

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March 15, 2007





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