
Comments are fixed, I don’t have to reinstall like I thought I was…thank god.

5 Responses to “Fixed”

  1. Jenny says:

    YAY. reinstall is always a whore…

    ps: IM FIRST WEE!!

  2. Christina says:

    Glad you were able to fix it. I always hate when something goes all haywire and you need to start all over again.

  3. Jamie says:

    Congratulations on getting your comments fixed!! You probably don’t remember me, but if you do than that’s good. I’m also proud of you for saving the entries on your boyfriend. Those are probably the most important entries in a person’s blog. Anyways, congratulations.

  4. grysh says:

    glad you had your comments fixed. 😛

  5. M says:

    Good thing you didn’t have to reinstall. I’d hate having to do that. It’s such a hassle.


February 26, 2007





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