
Things have been going pretty well for the last few days. The new computer arrived (in full) on Thursday. XP was installed and the ram was put in. The monitor is an absolutely GORGEOUS quality which makes me very happy. I haven’t had the chance to actually use it though. The boyfriend set it up for me and he had to do some work. After laying down for a little while I decided it would be best just not to be on it so I figure when I get home next week I’ll sit down and play with it. I need to load my external drive into it and then get to work on getting everything important onto it and then getting a lot of shit off my laptop. I need to figure out how to link Outlook express but I figured I’ll just leave everything email based on the laptop and then just use the desktop for programs that take up a lot of space like the Adobe Suite and what not.

I took Bella with me this time. Every time I come down here I wind up missing her after a few days so thankfully she did very well in the car and now she’s actually doing well in a house she’s not used to. There were a couple of little accidents but nothing too serious to worry about. It was mainly excitement based accidents. She’s laying down by the window right now…snoring her head off.

It’s been uncomfortably warm the past few days (considering it’s January for crying out loud!). I can’t wait until a cold front comes through and I can go back to not dying before I go to bed. Last night the boyfriend and I had quite a bit of trouble falling asleep because I was just too warm to get comfortable and I’m sure it was driving him crazy that I was moving around so much. Bella plopped herself down in the window and since there was a light breeze I assume that she was OK for the night.

In any event, I think I’m going to finish up with my email checks and then lay down for a little while. I (for a change) got a full 8 hours of sleep last night but for some reason I’m actually pretty tired tonight. Considering Bella’s snoring her head off…I figure I can easily just roll over without having to worry about her pouncing all over me to play.

Later all.

4 Responses to “Exhausted”

  1. Bronnie says:

    Your new computer looks awesome! I’m jealous. The monitor is very pretty – I’m sure it’s crystal clear to look at.

    It’s weird you’ve still got heat waves there, ‘coz we have cold, overcast, raining days here!! It’s just about mid-summer here and it’s still cold every second or third day. It’s crazy.
    Maybe in 50 years our summer will be in June and your’s in January. Imagine that?! SCARY!

  2. Ranee says:

    I’m so with you on the weather front. It’s screwing with my thermostat as well. You can’t get it high or low enough. Unless I just sit still with a blanket beside me I’m just not happy. If I turn it down I get cold, but if I turn it back up then I move at all I’m warm.

    Screw the winter of 06 & 07. Yay for your computer.

  3. Jessica says:

    Great looking computer! I wish i could get a new one, slightly on the broke side lately though 🙁 LOL warm..? its been like 35+ celcius here everyday, i’m dying!! I wish it were like 20… plus its raining and warm… way too yuck and muggy! ah well australias crappy weather for you!

  4. Tara says:

    Wow i can’t believe it’s so warm there, it’s absolutely *freezing* here! It’s the same all over Europe though…maybe it’ll spread to the US soon…!


January 15, 2007





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