If you are currently reading this then you’ll be happy to know that k.nu is moved successfully to its new server. In moving around accounts, I decided to move off main AGn-Solutions server (venus) and setup a reseller account on another server. Everything is still agn-solutions.net based, it’s just moved around a bit.
I’m still sick and running on practically no sleep. I’m at my aunts house right now and I’m not really enjoying myself. The Air Conditioner is broken and it’s like 90* outside. I had the AC in my uncles room on but now he’s got the door closed so there’s no air moving through the house at all. The one in the living room is on it’s last leg. It sounds like a car that’s out of gas. It keeps cranking and cranking and cranking but won’t turn over. It’s either out of Freeon or it’s just going to die in general. It’s 20 years old so you could expect for that to happen I guess. Either way it’s making me miserable.
I didn’t get to sleep until about 430 this morning then my uncle was walking around at 6:30AM and never picks up his damn feet when it walks so his slippers were making all kinds of noise. My aunts friend stayed here last night, she’s not as noisey as my uncle but people walking around in the same room when I’m trying to sleep just aggitates me. I was on the couch sweating my ass off. I woke up to take a shower, one of three. It kind of sucks but nothing I can really do about it. I don’t know how to fix an air conditioner.
My throat is acting up so I think I’m gonna lay down. I swear, I take air conditioning for granted. I usually have it blasting wherever I am. I’m about to curl up in my aunts room, even though her friend has kind of taken it over, but there IS air conditioning in there and I just see it as the only option at the moment – unfortunately.
Oh Oh I can’t stand to sleep without air. I’ll admit it I’m spoiled and lazy. I have no tolerance for sleeping hot. Luckily you can buy an airconditioner around here for next to nothing any day of the week so I’ve yet to have to be miserable this year.
I’ll think of you tonight while I’m lounging in my nice crispy cool room! Of course I sleep on a leaky waterbed so it’s not all shits and giggles.
Ooooh wow. Lack of a/c would KILL me. Maybe not literally but it might as well. I’d come and at least bring you a fan if I wasn’t a bajallion miles away lol I do hope you feel better soon hon 🙁 *gives you chicken soup and goodies*
I hope your A/C is fixed, I know you told me your dad would be over soon and 6 hours later he still wasn’t there, so I hope he came and fixed it.
No AC? Sounds awful! I practically live in 15 degree Celsius weather all year round!
AC is my friend. I’m sorry your aunts AC decided to crap out on you. Hopefully you can find some alternative method to keep cool.
Ugg. I’m not big on heat. I hope it cools off soon. If it’s even a little hot I tell my parents that I’m turning on the AC. lol.
we had to take out our air conditioner cause we cant afford to run it. sometimes i wanna shoot myself cause its so hot outside and i die in here. xP im sorry you had a lousy weekend.
what we used to do was sit in the car and turn on the AC if there was no AC in the house. but now we have no car AC either so I feel your pain.
How much longer are you going to be at your aunt’s?
Air conditioning is overrated. You should turn on the heat.
If anything, it’ll get rid of your aunt’s friend and you can take the bedroom back!
Aw, poor thing. I hope you survive! You’re right, in our society we take all of the compforts of life for granted, but when stuck without them for a period of time, it makes you realize how much we rely on our appliances and such.
Glad to hear it was a successful move! Always easier when it works properly 🙂
Ahh I don’t know how you cope in heat like that!! lol. I just went to a conversion site and worked out what 90*F is in celsius (so I could understand what you’re talking about) and it’s 32*C. FUCK! The most it gets to here in Auckland is about 26*C (78*F). lol
Mew, theres always room with me xD Australia = So cold around now lol. I hope you start feeling better, and nice job on the move =D Humidity sucks ._.