You’re shittng me…right?

I’m a bit annoyed right now; well not ANNOYED per say, but a happy frustration I guess I could label it.

Refrral Crap
I woke up this morning to find that my final offer went through for the Free Digital Camera (thanks Alicia) and now instead of just going in and claiming my free gift, they have a totally new setup that I really, truly dislike.

You have to SNAIL MAIL a color printed .PDF file with all of your information filled in. It takes 4-6 weeks for them to process this form. Then you have to log in to your account (regularly) to check on its status. Once approved you can go through the entire order process through the website


Am I the only person who finds this to be completely absurd? It’s just an extra headache. They updated the look of their site, which is fine because they’re millionaires and can do that. But when you totally update how the site is operated, there’s quite a bit of confusion there. When I got my iPod and my TV it was just a quick “Click here to redeem your gift” icon. It didn’t require a stamp and using the rest of the little ink I had in my printer.

I know it seems childish and I’m just getting the damn camera for free so I should buck up and deal with it.

Work Shit.
I’m more annoyed with my client right now. There’s nothing wrong with him per say, it’s just that when I email a question it takes 2-4 hours for him to respond. His response, however, it’s a “change-this-change-that” kind of an email. Considering the amount of money he’s paying me, I know that it has to be perfect but he stated in the beginning that he wanted to be in total contact with me at all times during the process. Wouldn’t that mean checking your email a little more than once a day considering you sit in front of a computer all day anyway?

Patio Woe’s
I drove around with my sister yesterday in hopes to find a patio set. We hit up Big Lots, Kmart, Sears, Home Depot and Wal-Mart. My father wasn’t too keen on the fact that I wanted to drop $125 on a picnic table that didn’t come with chairs. The table is like 96’x38′, it’s fairly large considering the price. He doesn’t seem to realize that I just have to drop $5 on each typical white plastic chair (that matches the table anyway). So I can get six of those for like $30 and it would still be about $50-$100 cheaper than some of the sets that Kmart, Wal-Mart and Home Depot had to offer. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but that would be a better idea, wouldn’t it?

I don’t know, it’s just a bad Monday, I’ll take it as that.

I’ll get around to returning comments later; I have some work to get done. I guess I just needed to vent a little bit.

18 Responses to “You’re shittng me…right?”

  1. Felicia says:

    I’m glad you got your last referral done. I hope you do get your camera in the end, though. I’ve heard alot of bad stuff about Freepay lately. ALOT. They used to be a legit company but with all the changes, they’ve dropped from a Grade A Legit site to a Grade C on a major freebie forum. It’ll probably be over a month just for them to get to your form and then another month+++ to ship, etc.. and that’s if all goes well. You may want to have extra referrals ready too.. they’re being known to drop referrals last minute for “fraud”… and I guess doing whatever they can to not ship items out. Just a heads up.. be ready for their BS. You may have had good experiences with them before.. but I do hope you get your camera. I know what went into it.

    Krissy: Thanks hon, I’m just so fucking annoyed by it. I’m glad freepay hasn’t been a total rip off to me in the past. I probably should get a few more referrals under my belt but I honestly don’t know ANYONE that would sign up for me considering it took me a month of BEGGING to get the ones I already had. :sigh:

  2. Rainbow says:

    I really hope everything goes better with the free site. I know that some people have had bad luck.

    I understand about clients being anal about things. I have one that has me update his site once a week but he forgets to send out the updates and then we will send me the wrong thing and so on. It pays good but it’s the point. You know?

  3. Ranee says:

    Mondays just bite ass. I feel the Monday pain today and I want to hit someone over the head. So I’m wondering this the other day, I hit my quota date in May sometime for when I had to have my referrals. I wonder if I can start over and start to earn a whole new camera and have the like 3 months or so again. Since I in fact didn’t do squat with this cycle. Now that the site is changed I’m not sure it’s worth my time to look into it.

    If you aren’t going to need the set before then wait until Memorial Day weekend and go out and look for them. Actually next week’s sale papers or the week after that should have a great sale. They tend to mark all that stuff down around Memorial Day and then Fourth of July and Labor Day usually brings the end of sale bang where you can get it dirt cheap. My inlaws did this and got one of the sets that was like $400 for $150.

  4. Shauna says:

    I’m happy that you got your last referral to get your digital camera. It is kind of absurd how the process goes though. You’d think it’d be all done straight through the website, considering that’s how it begins.. I don’t quite get it. Anyway, good luck with that 🙂

  5. obi's girl says:

    Hello Krissy. I don’t know if you remember me from the forums. It’s obisgirl. Just dropped by to say hello.

  6. Heather says:

    Gah, that really does seem confusing… good luck and I am glad you got your last referral!

  7. Laura says:

    Awww sounds confusing with the whole camera deal, but you’re right.. at least you’re getting something for free so even if it takes a while it’s still a really good deal 😀 The idea with the chairs sounds like a good one. If you’ll be saving that amount of money, you may aswell go for it anyway! Good luck with that ♥

  8. Christina says:

    I’m glad that you will be getting your camera and I do think the hoops they make you go through are just ridiculous.

  9. Sai says:

    That digital camera thing is kinda weird. Maybe the previous system had flaws in it or something, and they needed a more secure system? Anyways, just hang in there… your digital camera will come someday.

    Perhaps I missed some of the client situation, but personally… I think that 2-4 hours is quite much to be checking email. I usually only check mine like twice a day… once when I wake up and once before I go to bed. *Shrug* I hope it gets better for you.

    Krissy: The client noted when the contract was signed that he wanted to be in full, and regular contact with me at ALL TIMES. He works online all day long, which means he’s sitting at his computer all day long. To be in contact with someone fully, means to not take 4 hours to respond to business based emails.

  10. Lindsay says:

    That’s kind of crazy about the digital camera. I’d almost rather go buy one for all that effort!

  11. Jon says:


    Wow, such a hastle! Can’t believe they would make it sooo hard…. But you’re right, you are getting it for free…. Oh I hate people who tell you how to do thigns when they don’t even help, or in this case help by not checking their email.

  12. Victoria says:

    A free camera? (+) Pointless steps to getting the camera? (-) But, it’s good news that you are finally going to get it, even if it takes forever! Hopefully that oh so great client of yours will start checking his email! How hard can it be to do that every now and then?

  13. Mila says:

    That referral policy sounds so unfair! 🙁 It seems as if the company would like to eliminate every possible free camera order… Grrr. Good thing though that you got all of your referrals!
    Too bad your client is giving you a hard time. But, when you’re through with his order, you REALLY deserve the paycheck 😉
    About the patio table – usually the furniture you buy for less money isn’t as good as the expensive things. However, 125 dollars for a patio table sounds quite expensive to me. :/

  14. Tanya says:

    Mondays tend to suck ass. My Dad and I have been looking for new patio furnature too. For the prices places are asking, the quality of the stuff is shit. White plastic chairs last forever.

    Krissy: I’ve actually found a plain plastic set at the local SUPERMARKET of all freaking places, for like $60. I intend to pick it up sometime tomorrow.

  15. Hannah says:

    I suppose its there way of weeding out people so they dont have to give so many away.

    I know what you mean about clients, I had bad experience with my last one, rawr, I dislike him so much now!

  16. Miranda says:

    Oh wow! Grrrr. That’s absolutely absurd that they changed the process the way they did with you getting your camera. What’s the point in mailing that in, really?? *sighs* Your boss sounds annoying too, yeah. Good luck with the table-getting. 🙂
    Hrm you know who I am, so do I still need to give you my Despair name? 😛 *points to name* make that lower case hahaha
    ♥ and *hug*

    Krissy: He’s not my boss hon, he’s just a client I picked up.

  17. Sean says:

    Aww that sucks about your referrals. Hopefully you still get it, but that’s pretty fucked up.


May 08, 2006


Randomage, Work



Comments (18)